The lore  

On one of his trips through the catacombs, a necromancer got hit by bad luck. A cursed tomb turned him back into a baby. Curing the curse is easy, but the recipe is still in his tent at the surface.

Now he is stuck at the bottom of the catacombs, trying to climb his way out.
Using the essence of the ghosts that dwell down here you combine them to unearth new powers. That should be more than enough to compensate for your weak new form. 

Experiment with the elements, discover the possibilities


WASD/Arrow keys: Move
Spacebar: Action (jump, dash, roll, transform etc...)
C: Cooking
R: Restart


Discover :
Explore our ghost cooking system and experiment with the different actions. And if you're really good, try to beat our dev score ;) 


This is the very first game made by 3 Belgian friends, learning game development with a passion for game design.

By GoodSoop for the 2024 Pirate Software Game Jam

Game design document:

We will keep development going on this game, so if you want to give us feedback or ideas, you're more than welcome to do it here:

Rated 3.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
GenrePuzzle, Platformer
Tagsalchemy, Shadows


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A very fun puzzle Game! I liked how it started with the book explanations and in general the lore is an creative idea :D

The heart sign was a nice easter egg. I like it when platformer hide stuff, even ifs not necessary to advance. :D

The score goal being to use as less ghosts as possibly is cool, but i would have liked to have seen how my total score was too, to keep track of it.

I sadly couldnt continue on one of the puzzles, because i kept on bugging into the walls. It was this one:

I also tried a lot of combinations with purple and orange, to stay small but still bugged into the ceiling and respawned then. Oh and dashing into walls made me bug into them too sometimes.

I dont know if it helps but: i got the bug in fullscreen and windowed mode and im playing on microsoft edge.

But i still enjoyed the other levels and how they teach different combinations in a playful way :D

Self reply because my post got to long for itch (maybe because of the pictures?)(Or i just dont know how to write short senteces :D)


A different animation bug (or it seemed like a bug) happened for me after making and switching a lot of different ghosts. While cooking they kept on jumping down and then up. Sometimes all almost at the same time.

But the bugs aside in general from art, sound to gameplay its an awesome platformer and i had fun playing it :D

nice! cute and clever :)

This game is great! I really enjoy the puzzle and planning elements, along with the required actions to successfully complete each level. It's also fun that some levels can be completed in more than one way, which adds to the replay value.

After playing Ghost Soup, I was impressed. The art style was wat caught my eye! I really think the gameplay is something I have never seen before. It needs some polish, like most gamejam games, but I could see myself buying this if it has a polished full release. This game is a must-play if you want to try out something refreshing! I truly hope the team expands it into a full-fledged indie game.

(1 edit)

great soup! I like the artstyle and the main mechanics are inventive and show a lot of promise. only thing I could say as "critisism" was that dragging the ghosts to the pot every time was a little exhausting, maybe doubleclicking could work as a secondary input. Good work!

Man, I had the exact same thing! We made this in a rush because of personal lives, and I asked our programmer if he could add that but it was not on the priority list (he was correct, I'm but a mere artist). In our full game, be damn sure you'll be clicking ghosts to put them in!
Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed!


Really cute and fun game! I love how the combinations form, rock baby is adorable!


Thank you! Rock baby is my favorite too, I got a sticker of him on my laptop! 


Cool game, got addicted fast.

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it :)

(1 edit) (+2)

Good game !

Read in case you are a necromancer stuck in a catacomb in baby form is halla specific LUL

I like the interaction you can create mixing different ghosts power, and how the work even mixing the same one.

I feel like you could have been more hard on player and put a limit on possible "mixable" ghosts for each lvl even at the start.

That said, the game is fun, art is nice, and music really fits ! GG

We are exploring limits for the full game, but they will probably not be too strict, there is a lot of work left to do! Thanks for playing and for the very nice feedback :) 

(1 edit) (+2)

With some "minor" exploits I got a sub 40 haha


Hey GoodSoop,

That was some good soup ;). I enjoyed my time with the game. There are, obviously, some kinks that still need to be ironed out, (e.g. QOL in the cooking UI, coyote time would be a nice addition, etc...) but the overall concept is interesting and I look forward to seeing it more ironed out as you guys continue your work on it.

Cheers and good luck game dev'ing!

We will try to make the soup even better in the future ;)


Was fun :] 

I like the concept a lot and mixing the ghosts is fun, there's a little bit of jank with bonking pretty easily and there could be more quality of life stuff with mixing, but the actual meat of the game is great ^_^

Thanks for the feedback and for playing!!


A fun little puzzle platformer from a relatively simply mechanic. I spent maybe more time than I should have playing it just because I was trying to see how low I could get the ghost count. Finally managed 52, although I think there was a lot of luck involved.

I did find the ghost queueing mechanic a little awkward. If you use the arrow keys at the beginning of the level to try to plan ahead, and get one wrong (for example underestimating the height of a jump), you have to clear out everything after that one and redo it all, so I ended up often just adding a ghost or two at time so that I wouldn't waste time adding ghosts I was going to have to re-add later. This obviously wasn't a problem with the early levels, but a couple of the later ones.

And if a "soft goal" is trying to get the lowest ghost count possible, then a level retry might be nice. I found sometimes I thought I would need an extra ghost, and then managed to reach the exit early, and it would have been nice to be able to go back and figure it out without beating the game again.

Thank you very much for playing! Your feedback is invaluable and very welcome. Thanks!


Definitely required using some of my brain cells! Can't wait to see what a full game would look like!

Thank you!! Hope you made it all the way through :) 


I had fun playing this game all the different combinations both in and out of the pot are very fun I recommend you try it

Thank you so much for playing! We appreciate it!